The fourth Sunday on Moses. A great story of Moses wanting to see God and God stuffing him into a crack in the rock, covering up Moses' face while God passes by and just showing God leaving. I think it is true that I am not fast enough to get much more of a glimpse than that. God is always before me and I have a tough time staying free enough to even catch up. It is an odd truth about ministry. We run as fast as we can to stay up with God, finally give up and rest for a moment and find God sitting with us. My Mom taught me this with a phrase she used that I don't think I have quite got -- Stop so you can Go.
This week a baby born into the church. I have been in younger congregations than this one but it has been a long time since a baby was born into one of my churches. Holding a one day old baby, all seven pounds and long fingers, and I wonder what kind of church will liven his spirit twenty years from now.
I am getting ready for Sunday at the Lutheran Church. Everyone remember
10:00 Christ Lutheran Church on Smith Lane, just south of Ray's.
I have found myself thinking about stories of the two founders of our church. Wildly different styles and temperaments but both working hard to reform a church bound into itself and to bring the church closer to real people. So many stories I read make me think we need their energy today. What message of grace would they whisper into the ear of a one day old child born into a church with so few children?
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