Jim came on the heals of two ordained preachers guest preaching at our church, a DS with a pile of years of experience, and another retired preacher with another pile of years of experience, and he could not have preached with better style, depth of understanding of the scriptures or a good healthy dose of God's Word.
Not that long ago, I heard another Jim, and a Mike, preach on the essentials of the Bible, and they both look a similar scope of the Bible and used some of the same scriptures to lift up three "Greats" in the Bible. (Jim Griffith and Mike Slaughter, a church start consultant and pastor of the vibrant Ginghamsburg, Ohio UMC).
- The Great Commandment: (Deuteronomy 6) "The Lord your God is one and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength." Later on Hillel and Jesus will add "and love your neighbor as yourself".
- The Great Requirement: (Jim's Micah passage) to seek justice, love kindness and walk humbly.
- The Great Commission: (from Matthew 28) "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations".
Tell us what you took away Sunday from Jim's sermon.
Thank you Jim.
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